Friday, April 17, 2009

Tortured by torture

Some torture techniques I would like to share with you. These had been sanctioned for use by the CIA on terrorism suspects under the Bush administration, but outlawed now under President Obama.

Waterboarding: Aimed at simulating sensation of drowning. Used on alleged 9/11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

Insect: Harmless insect to be placed with suspect in 'confinement box', suspect to be told the insect would sting. Approved for terrorist suspect Abu Zubaydah, but not used

Walling: Detainee slammed repeatedly into false wall to create sound and shock

Sleep deprivation: Detainee shackled stading up. Used often, once for 180 hours

Read more.

I really don't know how someone can be deprived of sleep for a week and still survive. Moving on - torture is an act that destroys every iota of humanity in both the person being tortured, and the person doing the torturing, and anyone who sanctioned the torture. Even animals don't torture each other.

1 comment:

Faizal said...

In your case I guess putting you in a room full of cockroaches would be one method of torture....:)