Friday, April 24, 2009


We had a good meeting today - setting the stage for future meetings. I look forward to a fabulous term.


I took a cab to Malabar Mosque to hear Habib Umar bin Hafiz give the Friday sermon (khutbah). Habib Umar is a prominent Islamic scholar who hails from Yemen. In such khaatib (plural of khutbah), many things are mentioned and I won't pretend that I absorb everything. From today's sermon, I learnt that certainty in Allah is a blessing given to the most fortunate of believers. I also learnt that to hurt another Muslim (by words or deeds) is worse than dismantling the Ka'bah brick by brick. A million meanings conveyed in such one-liners.


Looking forward to Desaru with my wife. As always, Zayed will be missed, but some time away would do us good. I love you always.

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