Saturday, May 29, 2021

Swim Safe. Stay Safe. Eat Sakuns.

 Today's an end to the week... but unlike most other Fridays.

For one, we're in the middle of a pandemic. The novel Coronavirus from Wuhan has ravaged the world for over a year now. And we just had a second wave in Singapore with our community cases flatlining... phew. But the bigger point is... no going out that often.

AND the end of a tough Home-based learning week... man, it really does suck. Trying to settle the kids' SLS and making sure they know what to do, and trying to prep for my own work meetings and making sure I cover stuff in the agenda, and having the energy the whole day to do this and soothe my 11-month old Zoobi-doobi man and make sure my darling wife has her own downtime as well.

So... it was time to do what my daughter wanted to so badly do for over a year - go for a swim.

Now, she doesn't exactly know how to swim. Before I could sign her up for classes, the pandemic struck, and before I could sneak in an enrolment, the swimming school at the SAFRA near my place said that they weren't taking new students due to the people limits. DAMN IT.

But she just wanted to hang out in the pool. With her old man. Me. So we went, waited for about 25 minutes before we got our turn (25 people at any one point in time yozzzz), and we went it, walked in the water, splashed around, clowned a bit and got out.

Important thing was... she was happy. My Khadijah Tahira.

We then bought a whole stack of piping hot food from Sakunthala (a.k.a. Sakuns. Not to be confused with the other love of our lives, Sakon-Thai), and whacked at home. Delishizzimo.

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