Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Maybe. Perhaps. Possibly.

Scientists have a weird fantasy that life exists on Mars. But they use all kinds of qualifiers, disclaimers and caveats to protect themselves. There could POSSIBLY have been life 3 billion years ago under some OPTIMAL conditions. There COULD BE water under the surface IF the temperature was right. A Coke vending machine MIGHT be lurking behind that huge boulder IF the boulder was made of sponge. Latest one:

Pools of salty water might be able to exist just below the surface of Mars, planetary scientists believe.


1 comment:

Good Times said...

There are underlying reasons as to why scientists are finding life outside of planet Earth and recently they even sent a 'giagantic' telescope to orbit for the purpose of finding 'life' in other galaxies and the findings with be brought forward in about 3 years time...Bro think about it doesn't it sound funny? 'THEY' must have an agenda and from what I have read it has something to do with 'The New World Order' - heard about it? Maybe its time you learn abt 'THESE' people - 'The Illuminatis'