Thursday, February 05, 2009

The last week and this

I was a bit busy last week, so couldn't really find time to blog about stuff.

I'm working on a new project to inject some optimism and give some career options to a group of Indian Muslim youth, which I hope turns out well.

I finally finished reading Barack Obama's "The Audacity of Hope", which I found highly informative and entertaining most times, but repetitive and overly-inspiring in some parts (I suspect these are rehashed speeches). But the book gives a good overview of the man's political agenda and feelings about his varied family background. I was quite impressed that he recently admitted to screwing up on global TV when some politicians he hired turned out to be evading tax.

I'm beginning to get all fired up for my inaugural tajwid class to a group of younglings beginning this Sunday, at a mosque near my home. It's a small group of about 15, more than I've handled in terms of teaching something very close to my heart. I hope I'm able to imbue something in them.

The window grill guy is coming buy this evening to measure my windows and hopefully fit some grills. This is to prevent the active son of our from doing anything playful and too cute - near the window.

A good friend of mine started her blog. She's quite funny in real life and blogs about funny stuff (how her mom burps like a hippo and all), click here for a good laugh.

Yesterday I attended a talk on the problems the world is facing and how we individuals can save the word when a central form of "Global Governance" fails. It was a good session, but I think it didn't really push the limits enough. And people need to speak louder! ;)


Good Times said...

Bro..I'm so sorry to have kept you wating for so long but my Sundays are really unpredictable..sometime when I'm off on sundays my parents would want to bring the family out and other Sundays I'll be on duty...anyway it's good to hear your starting your tajwid class...can I join? But I can't promise a full attendence. I'm having a off on the 22nd..hope to see you then...Ma'asalam.

NunBun said...

Salam bro!

No worries... sure, you can join the tajwid class, it's at Delta Mosque every Sunday from 10am to 12pm. 22nd should be okay, I can discuss with you the Rasm uthmani after the tajwid class.


Good Times said...

hmm..Delta Mosque? Where's that Bro?

Nunbun said...

It's near Delta Road. But no worries, I can email you the longtitude and latitude and coordinates and map of the location.