Sunday, September 14, 2008

Husband and Father

At work the other day, I was having a discussion with my colleague on promotion. The promotion system was so complicated and had so many layers of vetting that I concluded that I would not be promoted for another ten years! So I told my colleague that I'll just do my work to the best of my abilities and if anyone wants to promote me, then it will be as God's wish.

I then reflected on my journey so far in this world as an individual.

Although I had a family (consisting of parents, siblings), I was not really in charge of them and their well-being. I was only recently given my wife to cherish, care and provide for. Then after that, I was blessed with a son, to care and provide for as well.

So from being a son/sibling who needed to be cared for, I have become a husband and a father, in charge of two lives. I feel that this is an extremely heavy responsibility, but at the same time, a magnificent blessing from God.

It is a spiritual promotion in my journey as a creation of Allah, in that I've been given these two roles to earn rewards for my collection the World to come, even though it is Allah who provides for them and me. Alhamdulillah!

So in the material world, the promotion may be elusive - but in the world that really matters, each of us has to just open our minds and hearts to see the blessings and "promotions" that we have received from Allah.

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